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IBM Communications

SunLink SNA Peer-to-Peer

SunSoft, Inc

SunLink(TM) SNA Peer-to-Peer makes it possible for APPC applicationprograms running on workstation systems to communicate through the LU6.2protocol with application programs running on IBM systems or otherworkstation systems that use APPC.SunLink SNA Peer-to-Peer provides both a communication gateway and a setof LU6.2 and DIA programming libraries that allow programmers toimplement distributed applications across multivendor SNA networks.SunLink SNA Peer-to-Peer gateway operates from the IBM host to theSolaris(R) system, over Token Ring or SDLC. The product contains aNetView interface for SunLink manager alerts and a NetView API (PUMS).

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

SunSoft, Inc
2550 Garcia Ave
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 960-1300
        (800) SUNSOFT (USA only)
Fax: (415) 969-9131